Welcome to Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co., Ltd website.!



Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co.,Ltd founded in 1988, is a famous manufacturing enterprise in China's bridge cable industry. Along with the development of the Chinese Bridge, from the Shanghai Nanpu bridge, the Yangpu bridge, to the present Nanjing three bridge, the Shanghai Donghai Bridge, the Zhejiang Shanxi Hou men bridge, and the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco, our company not only broke the bridge cable dependence on the entrance, but has grown into a strong one. A world-renowned cable manufacturing supplier integrating research cable design, product manufacturing and installation consulting.

Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co., Ltd. now has the advanced technical equipment and testing equipment, fully able to meet the specific needs of different users for the cable. Existing plant length 1000 meters, with two suspension production lines, two cable-stayed production lines, to meet the suspension bridge 3000 meters main span of the main cable strands manufacturing needs. The cable production line can meet the demand of 1500m main span cable production, and it is a famous professional cable manufacturer and supplier in the world.

Shanghai Pujiang Cable Company Limited has the certificate of the standard quality management system certification. In 1996, it was named the state (key) high-tech enterprise, and won the title of Shanghai city intellectual property demonstration enterprise and patent pilot enterprise in 2009. The parallel steel cables and anchorages produced by the company and the prefabricated parallel wire bundles of the cable main cable have won many honors, such as the outstanding projects of the torch program, the scientific progress award, and so on in Shanghai. The cable products have passed very stringent testing and certification of the international laboratories. The Company has more than 50 national honors "Zhan Tianyou prize", "Luban prize" and "National Award".

Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co.,Ltd will make a greater contribution to the development of international bridge and new construction projects and other cable structure projects with high quality products and first-class service.





Qualification certificate


Shanghai Pujiang Cable Co., Ltd. is a professional cable structure
product manufacturer integrating design, construction, production
and scientific research.

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